I started to use ObjectMapper this week and I'm trying to map a JSON into 2 CustomClasses but I don't known if ObjectMapper has some function to do what I want. First CustomClass has a property of type: [String:CustomClass2] where the index of this Dictionary should be property ID of second CustomObject.
JSON Used:
"types": [
"id": "mk8QPMSo2xvtSoP0cBUD",
"name": "type 1",
"img": "type_1",
"showCategories": false,
"modalityHint": [
"categories": [
Classes Used:
class MyClass: Mappable {
var types:[String:MyClass2] = [String:MyClass2]() //Index should be ID property of MyClass2 Object
required init?(map:Map) {
guard map.JSON["types"] != nil else {
return nil
func mapping(map: Map) {
types <- map["types"]
class MyClass2: Mappable {
private var id: String!
private var name: String!
private var img: String!
private var showCategories: Bool!
private var modalityHint: [String]?
private var categories: [String]?
required init?(map: Map) { }
func mapping(map: Map) {
id <- map["id"]
name <- map["name"]
img <- map["img"]
showCategories <- map["showCategories"]
modalityHint <- map["modalityHint"]
categories <- map["categories"]
In your JSON the types
key is an array
not a Dictionary
var types:[String:MyClass2] = [String:MyClass2]()
var types:[Class2] = []
Like this:
class MyClass: Mappable {
private var arrayTypes = [MyClass2] {
var mapTypes = [String:MyClass2]?
for obj in arrayTypes {
mapTypes[obj.id] = obj
types = mapTypes
var types:[String:MyClass2] = [String:MyClass2]()
required init?(map:Map) {
guard map.JSON["types"] != nil else {
return nil
func mapping(map: Map) {
arrayTypes <- map["types"]