I am in the process of downloading data from firebase, exporting it into a json. After this I am trying to upload it into bigquery but I need to remove the new line feed for big query to accept it.
{ "ConnectionTime": 730669.644775033,
"objectId": "eHFvTUNqTR",
"CustomName": "Relay Controller",
"FirmwareRevision": "FW V1.96",
"DeviceID": "F1E4746E-DCEC-495B-AC75-1DFD66527561",
"PeripheralType": 9,
"updatedAt": "2016-12-13T15:50:41.626Z",
"Model": "DF Bluno",
"HardwareRevision": "HW V1.7",
"Serial": "0123456789",
"createdAt": "2016-12-13T15:50:41.626Z",
"Manufacturer": "DFRobot"}
"ConnectionTime": 702937.7616419792,
"objectId": "uYuT3zgyez",
"CustomName": "Relay Controller",
"FirmwareRevision": "FW V1.96",
"DeviceID": "F1E4746E-DCEC-495B-AC75-1DFD66527561",
"PeripheralType": 9,
"updatedAt": "2016-12-13T08:08:29.829Z",
"Model": "DF Bluno",
"HardwareRevision": "HW V1.7",
"Serial": "0123456789",
"createdAt": "2016-12-13T08:08:29.829Z",
"Manufacturer": "DFRobot"}
This is how I need it but can not figure out how to do this besides manually doing it.
{"ConnectionTime": 730669.644775033,"objectId": "eHFvTUNqTR","CustomName": "Relay Controller","FirmwareRevision": "FW V1.96","DeviceID": "F1E4746E-DCEC-495B-AC75-1DFD66527561","PeripheralType": 9,"updatedAt": "2016-12-13T15:50:41.626Z","Model": "DF Bluno","HardwareRevision": "HW V1.7","Serial": "0123456789","createdAt": "2016-12-13T15:50:41.626Z","Manufacturer": "DFRobot"}
{"ConnectionTime": 702937.7616419792, "objectId": "uYuT3zgyez", "CustomName": "Relay Controller", "FirmwareRevision": "FW V1.96", "DeviceID": "F1E4746E-DCEC-495B-AC75-1DFD66527561", "PeripheralType": 9, "updatedAt": "2016-12-13T08:08:29.829Z", "Model": "DF Bluno", "HardwareRevision": "HW V1.7", "Serial": "0123456789", "createdAt": "2016-12-13T08:08:29.829Z", "Manufacturer": "DFRobot"}
I am using python to load the json, read it and then write a new one but can not figure out the right code. Thank you!
here is the outline for my python code
import json
with open('nospacetest.json', 'r') as f:
#b= the file after code for no line breaks is added
with open('testnoline.json', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump=(b, outfile)
Reading between the lines, I think the input format might be a single JSON array, and the desired output is newline-separated JSON representations of the elements of that array. If so, this is probably all that's needed:
with open('testnoline.json', 'w') as outfile:
for obj in data_json:
outfile.write(json.dumps(obj) + "\n")