Firstly here is the GitHub repo because this code is too large to paste into here,
Alright onto my question:
So I have been following about a hundred different blog posts on how to setup an electron app. I can very easily get my app running on my system with a command I created called npm run electron-dev
. When doing this I can see that changes are being applied to my application. Now I have followed a guide on how to create the package for my electron app, sadly though I think I messed a step up within this.
npm run windows-installer
which is a way of calling all my major build scripts and packager. If I run this after making a change to anything in my view code, when the installer script completes I run the setup.exe file and notice that none of my changes have been applied. I understand that this question is a bit broad I am having trouble narrowing it down because I am not finding good guides that lay out the whole process for creating, packaging, installing, updating an electron app for windows.
First of all, there are many different ways of packaging/building electron apps (all of these are cross-platform as well):
I would recommend looking at all of those and finding one that best fits your project.
I would also recommend looking at other people's projects and looking at what they do. Awesome Electron Is a great resource for finding projects.
But for your questions:
in the src gives electron-builder metadata and dependency info, and what you have in your createInstaller.js is giving electron-winstaller metadata