I have below code need to change it to wicket 6.6, but isTransparentResolver() is removed and I am trying according to this link
https://www.mail-archive.com/commits@wicket.apache.org/msg17546.html but no use, anybody have solution for below code?
add(new WebMarkupContainer("bodyElement") {
public boolean isTransparentResolver() {
return true;
protected void onComponentTag(ComponentTag tag) {
if ((usrLoginHstryList == null || usrLoginHstryList.isEmpty()) &&
(usrChangeHstryList == null || usrChangeHstryList.isEmpty())) {
tag.put("onload", "hideHistoryButtons();");
} else if (usrLoginHstryList == null || usrLoginHstryList.isEmpty()) {
tag.put("onload", "hideUserLoginHstryBtn();");
} else if (usrChangeHstryList == null || usrChangeHstryList.isEmpty()) {
tag.put("onload", "hideUserChngHstryBtn();");
Finally I have written this using TransparentWebMarkupContainer
add(new TransparentWebMarkupContainer("bodyElement"){
protected void onComponentTag(ComponentTag tag) {
if((usrLoginHstryList == null || usrLoginHstryList.isEmpty()) && (usrChangeHstryList == null || usrChangeHstryList.isEmpty())){
tag.put("onload", "hideHistoryButtons();");
}else if(usrLoginHstryList == null || usrLoginHstryList.isEmpty()){
tag.put("onload", "hideUserLoginHstryBtn();");
}else if(usrChangeHstryList == null ||usrChangeHstryList.isEmpty()){
tag.put("onload", "hideUserChngHstryBtn();");