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Timer based interrupt in PIC microcontroller using mikroC for PIC

I am facing a problem while implementing a timer based interrupt in mikroC for PIC.

I want to toggle a port pin for 8 times if there is a keypress at PORTC.F0 and there should be a delay of say 100ms between the toggles.

Normally this would be very easy using a delay function

for (i=0;i<=8;i++)

But during the period, any other keypresses are missed by the system. So I thought of implementing the solution using interrupts.

#define SW PORTC.F0

char ttime,i;
volatile flag;

void Inittimer()
 T1CON         = 0x01;
 TMR1IF_bit    = 0;
 TMR1H         = 0x06;
 TMR1L         = 0x00;
 TMR1IE_bit    = 1;
 INTCON        = 0xC0;

void Interrupt()
 if (TMR1IF_bit)
  TMR1IF_bit    = 0;
  TMR1H         = 0x06;
  TMR1L         = 0x00;
  if (ttime==0)

void main()
 TRISB    = 0;
 TRISC.F0 = 1;
 PORTB    = 0x00;
 if (SW==0)
  if (flag==1)
   for (i=0;i<=8;i++)

Nothing is working. Can somebody please help me to correct the code?


  • When you initialize your timer:

    void Inittimer()
     T1CON         = 0x01;
     TMR1IF_bit    = 0;
     TMR1H         = 0x06;  // No prescaler? I doubt your clock speed is 40-some KHz!
     TMR1L         = 0x00;
     TMR1IE_bit    = 1;
     INTCON        = 0xC0;

    Why don't you control the LED directly from the ISR ?

      if (ttime)
          PORTB.F0 = (--ttime & 1);  // ttime is not decremented when led is not blinking.
          PORTB.F0 = 0;              // ensures the LED is off.

    To start blinking 8 times:

    if (SW==0)
      PORTB.F0 = 1;
      ttime = 16;

    Note that with a 100ms clock interrupt, the first 'blink' of the LED may last up to 200ms... This is why many like to work with a faster timer interrupt (this has usually other uses as well), controlling the led would require adding a soft post-scaler

       if (blinking)
          if (--blinkTimer == 0)
             blinkTimer = BLINK_DELAY;      // whatever number it takes for 100ms.
             PORTB.F0 = (--blinking & 1);  
           PORTB.F0 = 0

    To start blinking:

    if (SW==0)
      blinking = (2 * BLINKS) - 1;
      blinkTimer = BLINK_DELAY;
      PORTB.F0 = 1;

    This should get you a more even first blink.