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How to output a 1 to many object using bookshelf js

I am using bookshelf and knex to connect to a PostgreSQL database. Im trying to retrieve data that has a one to many relationship. My database looks like this:

Table: athlete

|  id | firstname | lastname |
|  0  | john      | doe      |
|  1  | jane      | doe      |

Table: activity

|  id | athlete_id | type | distance |
|  0  |     1      | run  |    5     |
|  1  |     0      | walk |    7     |

My bookshelf models look like this:

const Athlete = bookshelf.Model.extend({
    tableName: 'athlete',
    activities: function() {
        return this.hasMany('Activity', 'athlete_id');

const Activity = bookshelf.Model.extend({
    tableName: 'activity',
    athlete: function() {
        return this.belongsTo('Athlete');

Then I call Activity.fetchAll().then(...)

This returns

    "id": "0",
    "athlete_id": "1",
    "type": "run",
    "distance": "5",
    "id": "1",
    "athlete_id": "0",
    "type": "walk",
    "distance": "7",

What I want it to return is

    "id": "0",
    "athlete": {
        "athlete_id": "1",
        "firstname": "jane",
        "lastname": "doe"
    "type": "run",
    "distance": "5",
    "id": "1",
    "athlete": {
        "athlete_id": "0",
        "firstname": "john"
        "lastname": "doe"
    "type": "walk",
    "distance": "7",

I found this: Activity.fetch({withRelated: 'athlete'}).then(...) but that returns a 500 error for me with no message.

I need help trying to return a nested object.


  • You are missing a pair of square brackets around athlete. That could be a possible thing causing this error.

    Activity.fetch({withRelated: ['athlete']}).then(...)


    Hey @Derekedelaney, I tried to implement the same project and did not face any issues. You can find it here. I got the output like this

      { id: 1,
        athlete_id: 1,
        type: 'run',
        distance: '5',
        athlete: { id: 1, firstname: 'john', lastname: 'doe' } 
      { id: 2,
        athlete_id: 2,
        type: 'walk',
        distance: '7',
        athlete: { id: 2, firstname: 'jane', lastname: 'doe' }

    Please note that I am using Bookshelf registry plugin so go through that once. Let me know if you have any difficulty.