Let's say I create a macro that goes down one line.
Register a
contains exactly qajq
, and so @a
moves me down one line.
Now let's say I type j
into my buffer and yank it into register a
using "ayy
. Now, register a
looks like j^J
(notice the terminal newline digraph). Now, when I execute the macro a
, it jumps down two lines.
What exactly is happening here? Does Vim see the ^J
digraph and think that I want to go down an extra line, or is it something more subtle?
I guess this is one of those questions where the answer is, "because that's how it was designed." :P
After you type qajq
the a
register content is the string j
. qa
starts recording the macro into register a
, then you type j
and it's the first character recorder, now you type q
and vim stops recording. So, you end up with just j
in the register a
The command yy
works linewise, so the newline is also inserted into the register. When you type "ayy
you end up with j^J
in the a
register because ^J
or Ctrl-J
(a line feed) is what vim uses to represent the newline, and it also moves the cursor one line down as described in :help Ctrl-J
In order to yank the line without the newline you can type 0"ay$
. That would be the same as typing qajq