I've some hard time to understand method signatures in Objective-J (but it should be the same on Objective-C).
The syntax should be:
-(return_type)instanceMethod1:(param1_type)param1_varName :(param2_type)param2_varName;
The type is specified between parenthesis. However, I've found the following code line:
var navigationArea = [[CPView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 150.0, CGRectGetHeight([contentView bounds]) - 150.0)];
Why are the parameters passed in between parenthesis ? I thought you specify parameters after a colon ":".
-(void) importDocumentWithName:(NSString *)name withSpecifiedPreferences:(Preferences *)prefs beforePage:(int)insertPage;
what's "withSpecifiedPreferences" ? Is it the description ? What's the use of it ?
1) shows a mix of two styles, the Objective-C style method calls:
[[CPView alloc] initWithFrame:...];
and C-style function calls:
CGRectMake(1, 2, 3, 4);
Objective-J is a strict super-set of JavaScript, which means that you can use the message-passing syntax in addition to the C-style function call syntax JavaScript has.
In 2), withSpecifiedPreferences:
is part of the methods (or "selectors") name, see "Message Syntax".