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PHP Extension intl permission on macOS

I installed PHP extension INTL using Homebrew.

This is my code to test it

if (extension_loaded('intl')) {
    die('SUCCESS! The intl extension is enabled!');
} else {
    die('OOPS! The intl extension is not enabled!');

In CLI after executing this code I get SUCCESS! The intl extension is enabled!

But in browser OOPS! The intl extension is not enabled!

I think it might be a permission problem. I don't use MAMP.


  • Ensure you edited all php.ini used. In most distros cli, HTTPd module and CGI version have separate php.ini file. Simplest way to deal with it is to run


    and check what php.ini it points to. And then edit as needed.

    I think it might be a permission problem

    httpd's error log as good start to confirm that, yet don't think it's the culprit in your case.