I'm trying to use this example from the documentation to set the row height to be a fixed value.
(Content in case link breaks)
>>> from docx.enum.table import WD_ROW_HEIGHT
>>> row = table.add_row()
>>> row
<docx.table._Row object at 0x...>
>>> row.height_rule
>>> row.height_rule = WD_ROW_HEIGHT.EXACTLY
>>> row.height
>>> row.height = Pt(24)
However, I can't import WD_ROW_HEIGHT
from docx.enum.table
giving this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/Calderdale NUT/Google Drive/CDFU/Membership Python/labels test.py", line 2, in <module>
from docx.enum.table import WD_ROW_HEIGHT
ImportError: cannot import name 'WD_ROW_HEIGHT'
Checking the source, the table.py file is there, but only has WD_TABLE_ALIGNMENT
My python-docx version is 0.8.6
The link you referred to is in fact future features (i.e. not yet implemented).