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Redux - Find object in state array by its key and update its another key

I am working on a CRUD app using NodeJS in backend and React + Redux in frontend. This is a quick schema of how everything works in it:

Adding an item

  1. User inputs the title of a post
  2. Title is then sent to dispatch which fetches a POST route in NodeJS and sends title through body
  3. In NodeJS route i am adding a new item in collection with that title

BACKEND DONE, new post is in the server

  1. I am adding .then() on dispatch function in step 2. in which I dispatch an action with type: 'ADD_POST' and post: post (i got post from NodeJS res.json({post: result from database}))

  2. In my reducer i set up a CASE 'ADD_POST': return

FRONTEND DONE, the same post is now visible to user without refreshing

I want to use the same logic to update the likes of a specific post. This is what I've done so far:

  1. Clicking on a button on a post triggers a dispatch which fetches NodeJS PUT route
  2. NodeJS route finds the post using ID and adds 1 to the old value of likes the post had

BACKEND DONE, post now has 1 more like in the server

  1. I am adding .then again to the dispatch which fetches NodeJS route in which I dispatch an action with type 'ADD_LIKE' and post ID that I updated

  2. in reducer I set up a CASE 'ADD_LIKE': which iterates through the state using the code in the following snippet.

Here's that snippet: => {
    if( === action.postid) {
      //i find the specific item, but now im stuck on how to update the likes property of it

If it helps, this is the playlist I've been watching, if you want to you can see how this guy implements Delete function, I want to add Likes function using the same logic: Link to playlist


  • => {
        if ( !== action.postid) return item; // no need to change other items
        const likes = item.likes;
        return Object.assign({}, item, {likes: likes + 1}); // [1]

    Line [1] creates a new object with all the same properties of item, but it overwrites the existing property likes and simply adds 1.

    Make sure you actually create a new object for the changed item in the reducer, as everything in your state should be immutable.