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std::remove_if - lambda, not removing anything from the collection

Ok, I expect I've made a dumb mistake here. I have a list of DisplayDevice3d and each DisplayDevice3d contains a list of DisplayMode3d. I want to remove all items from the list of DisplayDevice3d that don't have any DisplayMode3d's. I'm trying to use a Lambda to do it, ie.:

    // If the device doesn't have any modes, remove it.

  std::remove_if(MyDisplayDevices.begin(), MyDisplayDevices.end(),
   [](DisplayDevice3d& device) 
    return device.Modes.size() == 0; 

Even though out of 6 DisplayMode3d's in MyDisplayDevices, only 1 has any DisplayMode3d's in its Modes collection, nothing is being removed from the list.

What numpty mistake have I made here?


Ah ok, my mistake was I should be using MyDisplayDevices.remove_if instead of std::remove_if, however the answers below are correct for use of std::remove_if :p.

MyDisplayDevices.remove_if( [](DisplayDevice3d const & device) 
                                return device.Modes.size() == 0; 


  • You need to call erase on the iterator returned from remove_if, It should look something like this:

    auto new_end = std::remove_if(MyDisplayDevices.begin(), MyDisplayDevices.end(),
                                  [](const DisplayDevice3d& device)
                                  { return device.Modes.size() == 0; });
    MyDisplayDevices.erase(new_end, MyDisplayDevices.end());