I'm trying to run the following SPARQL query:
SELECT ?band, ?genre
?band a umbel-rc:Band_MusicGroup.
OPTIONAL{?band dbo:genre ?genre}.
but in the result there are no bands for which a dbo:genre
is not defined (such as Coldplay look here).
Optional does not work in DBpedia?
Thank's to @StanislavKralin I understand now that you might be confused by missing data in the resultset, e.g. Coldplay. The short answer here is that the Virtuoso triple store on which DBpedia is deployed has a default resultset size limit of 10000
, i.e. at most 10000 rows will be returned with a single query. If you want to get more results you have to use something that's often referred to as pagination, i.e. for each chunk
you append
ORDER BY ?band LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 10000*chunk