I have been trying to compile a basic tensorRT project on a desktop host -for now the source is literally just the following:
#include <nvinfer.h>
class Logger : nvinfer1::public ILogger
} glogger;
Upon running make
, though, I receive the following message:
fatal error: nvinfer.h: No such file or directory #include <nvinfer.h>
The error is correct, too - I used locate
to try to find it, but there's nothing on my machine that matches. I followed the install instructions for desktop installation of TensorRT 2.1 as described here: https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-tensorrt-download
So my question is, does anyone know where nvinfer.h is supposed to be? In other words, am I missing a needed package that contains it, or did I miss something else that's essential?
Small addendum: one thing I noticed is that libgie1 is not installed, and it was not included as a debian with the provided TensorRT download like the other packages such as gie-dev were.
Before using locate
, if you recently added new files is a good practice to run sudo updatedb
, if the file is on the pc you should see it after.
Anyway googling a bit it looks like the header your looking for is NvInfer.h, caps matters.