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How do I isolate untrusted native code in Java?

I have a piece of C library that I don't trust (in the sense that it might crash frequently). I am calling this from a Java process.

To prevent the crash in C library bringing the whole Java app. down, I figured it will be best if I spawn a dedicated java processes for this library, and let it interface with the Java app. through socket programming or RMI. Then, if a crash happens, I can just spawn another one and continue processing.

Is ProcessBuilder the way to go? Or are there any other easier ways?



  • Yes, hosting the native code in a separate Java process is the only way to protect your application from native code.

    As for easier ways, just minor implementation differences. For example, not spawning the code from your Java application and wrapping the native code in a native wrapper that is configured to auto-start. This would simplify the solution, if you have knowledge of C and sockets. In this approach, RMI wouldn't be the best choice.

    Even if you wrap the native code in Java, I still wouldn't pick RMI. I have run into networking problems with Windows on WANs. I would keep the communication simple if possible. If the data is too complicated, maybe a basic serialization library. There are a few choices if you go down the XML route. It's overkill, but you could also embed an http server and web services layer. I don't know your system requirements, bu

    Recovery is going to create a variety of challenges. If it stops responding, do you just spawn another many times are you willing to do that... Process management from Java, leaves a lot to be desired.