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i want to make a web site which is able to control a hardware on a clients computer

  • running test on local host, the website coded with c#, is able to connect to the comm port and pass commands to the hardware just as done by hyperterminal software

  • if this website is uploaded/hosted this will not work, as the server doesnot have this harware connected to the comm port needed.

    one way is to ask the hosting company to set up a special computer for me with the hardware drivers etc.

    not possible.

      • defining hardware, the hardware is a remote control car.

so what is the solution?


  • You can create a Silverlight Out of Browser application which can run with elevated rights.
    Perhaps it is possible to access the COM Port with ActiveX, too. But that would be a Internet Explorer only solution.

    I found this blog where someone managed to get that working.