Is there a way to only display the optimal values in cvxopt without displaying the iterative values such as pcost,dcost ,gap etc as shown in below example,
n = 5 #no. of design variables
P = spmatrix(1,range(n),range(n))
q = matrix([[60.341,13.05,1.217,5.5,24.2]])
m = matrix([[0,0,-2.778,-0.002657,0,0.3004,0],[0.6168,0,0,-0.0005693,0,0.06217,0],[0,5,0,0,0,0,0],[-0.8987,0,0,0,-0.000462,0,0.1554],[0,0,3.33,0,-0.001943,0,0.683]])
nl = spmatrix(-1,range(n),range(n))
nu = spmatrix(1,range(n),range(n))
G = matrix([m,nl,nu])
h = matrix([0.0113,1,0.167,0.20289,0.5129,0.9098,0.829,0.05,0.45,0,0.35,0,0.1,1.55,10,1.4,0.15])
qp = solvers.qp(P,q,G,h)
print qp['x']
pcost dcost gap pres dres
0: -1.0569e+03 -4.5953e+02 3e+03 6e+00 2e+00
1: -1.1312e+02 -1.5294e+02 6e+02 8e-01 2e-01
2: -1.8148e-01 -5.6851e+01 6e+01 2e-16 7e-15
3: -6.5682e+00 -1.6549e+01 1e+01 9e-17 7e-16
4: -1.0162e+01 -1.1053e+01 9e-01 3e-16 2e-16
5: -1.0470e+01 -1.0624e+01 2e-01 6e-17 3e-16
6: -1.0502e+01 -1.0506e+01 4e-03 1e-16 4e-16
7: -1.0503e+01 -1.0503e+01 4e-05 7e-17 2e-16
8: -1.0503e+01 -1.0503e+01 4e-07 1e-16 2e-16
Optimal solution found.
[ 1.97e-08]
[ 7.81e-10]
I want to print only the last 5 values of output.
Just turn off verbose-mode (in cvxopt called show_progress
) as explained in the docs.
from cvxopt import spmatrix, matrix, solvers
solvers.options['show_progress'] = False # !!!
n = 5 #no. of design variables
P = spmatrix(1,range(n),range(n))
q = matrix([[60.341,13.05,1.217,5.5,24.2]])
m = matrix([[0,0,-2.778,-0.002657,0,0.3004,0],
nl = spmatrix(-1,range(n),range(n))
nu = spmatrix(1,range(n),range(n))
G = matrix([m,nl,nu])
h = matrix([0.0113,1,0.167,0.20289,0.5129,0.9098,0.829,0.05,0.45,0,0.35,0,0.1,1.55,10,1.4,0.15])
qp = solvers.qp(P,q,G,h)
[ 1.97e-08]
[ 7.81e-10]