Somebody suggested recently ( My program never releases the memory back. Why? ) that my program leaks some memory. I have FastMM set to aggressive and it reports no memory leaks when I shutdown the program.
Anyway, I would like to know if there can be memory leaks that are no detected by FastMM?
Update: I don't personally use Win API to allocate memory. But I am afraid that some 3rd party components I use (not so many) may use it. Can you let me know all possible API calls that FastMM cannot intercept? I will do a search in my code for them. Thanks.
Delphi 7, Win 7 32 bit
FastMM 4.97
I am not interested about interfaces.
No, only memory leaks which memory was alocated by FastMM.
EDIT: Maybe the answer looks wrapped but it is not! If anyone check the FastMM haw is made than can see that every pointer of memory alocation is pushed (and poped out at FreeMem) in to one of stacks (there is more stacks, depend of memory size) so at the end of closing application the FastMM only check stacks, if something in stacks, and if it is, than report memory leak!