I uploaded a Laravel website on a Namecheap server here: https://kdev.solutions/ and it works fine. I uploaded again (essentially the exact same files, except for some minor changes like setting APP_URL for the new domain) to another Bell server here: http://anomet.com/ and now I get an "Internal Server Error" (on the Bell server) whenever I try to navigate to a different page. Not sure how I could go about fixing this problem.
Server logs are empty. I'm using Laravel 5.4.15
Try to navigate with :
http://exemple.org/index.php/test instead of http://exemple.org/text
If it's working, active mod_rewrite in apache.
If not, it's a problem of permissions
sudo chmod 755 -R laravel_blog
chmod -R o+w laravel_blog/storage
BTW : Sorry for my bad english, i'm french