I am making an audio player in my iOS project.
I setup the play(audioOfUrl:URL, for times:Int)
method by passing the name of the url and how many times the audio file will be play as following:
func play(audioOfUrl:URL, for times:Int) {
let urlPath = audioOfUrl
loopsLeftOver = times
do {
let audio = try AVAudioPlayer.init(contentsOf: urlPath)
audioPlayer = audio
audio.numberOfLoops = times - 1
} catch let error {
there will be a pause()
and resume()
as well, What I need to do is keep track of how many loops the audio player leftover.
For example, if I call the play method like this:
play(audioOfUrl:audioUrl, for times:5)
I need to keep eyes on the times leftover as the audio player running.
I try to use the AVAudioPlayerDelegate
method, but it is not working, how to keep eyes on the audio.numberOfLoops? Thanks in advance.
You can subscribe for AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTime notification and count how many times the handler of this notification has been called.
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector:#selector(playerItemDidReachEnd(_:)),
name: NSNotification.Name.AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTime,
object: audioPlayer.currentItem)