I'm trying to debug the following build error in our CI where "A depends on B which can't build because it depends on C." I'm building my data service which doesn't directly depend on kafkaAvailMonitor.go which makes this error hard to trace. In other words:
data (what I'm building) depends on (?) which depends on kafkaAvailMonitor.go
It may seem trivial to fix for a developer they just do "go get whatever" but I can't do that as part of the release process - I have to find the person that added the dependency and ask them to fix it.
I'm aware that there are tools to visualize the dependency tree and other more sophisticated build systems, but this seems like a pretty basic issue: is there any way I can view the full dependency tree to see what's causing the build issue?
go build -a -v
../../../msgq/kafkaAvailMonitor.go:8:2: cannot find package
"github.com/Shopify/sarama/tz/breaker" in any of:
/usr/lib/go-1.6/src/github.com/Shopify/sarama/tz/breaker (from $GOROOT)
/home/jenkins/go/src/github.com/Shopify/sarama/tz/breaker (from $GOPATH)
if the following isn't a stack trace what is it?
It is the list of path where Go is looking for your missing package.
I have no idea who is importing kafkaAvailMonitor.go
It is not "imported", just part of your sources and compiled.
Except it cannot compile, because it needs github.com/Shopify/sarama/tz/breaker
, which is not in GOROOT
Still, check what go list
would return on your direct package, to see if kafkaAvailMonitor
is mentioned.
go list
can show both the packages that your package directly depends, or its complete set of transitive dependencies.
% go list -f '{{ .Imports }}' github.com/davecheney/profile
[io/ioutil log os os/signal path/filepath runtime runtime/pprof]
% go list -f '{{ .Deps }}' github.com/davecheney/profile
[bufio bytes errors fmt io io/ioutil log math os os/signal path/filepath reflect run
You can then script go list in order to list all dependencies.
See this bash script for instance, by Noel Cower (nilium
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Usage: lsdep [PACKAGE...]
# Example (list github.com/foo/bar and package dir deps [the . argument])
# $ lsdep github.com/foo/bar .
# By default, this will list dependencies (imports), test imports, and test
# dependencies (imports made by test imports). You can recurse further by
# setting TESTIMPORTS to an integer greater than one, or to skip test
# dependencies, set TESTIMPORTS to 0 or a negative integer.
lsdep_impl__ () {
local txtestimps='{{range $v := .TestImports}}{{print . "\n"}}{{end}}'
local txdeps='{{range $v := .Deps}}{{print . "\n"}}{{end}}'
go list -f "${txtestimps}${txdeps}" "$@"
if [[ -n "${TESTIMPORTS}" ]] && [[ "${TESTIMPORTS:-1}" -gt 0 ]]
go list -f "${txtestimps}" "$@" |
sort | uniq |
comm -23 - <(go list std | sort) |
TESTIMPORTS=$((TESTIMPORTS - 1)) xargs bash -c 'lsdep_impl__ "$@"' "$0"
} |
sort | uniq |
comm -23 - <(go list std | sort)
export -f lsdep_impl__
lsdep_impl__ "$@"