How to send and receive data from external program in tcl? I'm try this:
set d exec maxima --batch-string='5+10;'
puts d;
But its didn't work. I need to call Maxima( from tcl and return in tcl maxima results. Official documentation is empty or very old and examples not working.
I've wrote the function maxima_call
to easily call Maxima. You need to set your own path to Maxima program in maxima_path
variable. On Linux it could be set maxima_path maxima
proc maxima_call {expression} {
set maxima_path "M:\\Programs\\maxima-5.40.0\\bin\\maxima.bat"
set keys ""
# set keys "display2d:false\$"
set result [split [exec ${maxima_path} --batch-string=${keys}${expression}\;] \n]
set result [lreplace $result 0 4]
return [join $result \n]
puts [maxima_call "5+10"]
But I'm not clearly understand how are you going to parse results of calculation. For example, i've got this output from Maxima.
set expression "\[aa : 1, bb : 2, cc : 3\]; (aa + bb + cc)/(dd + ee)"
puts [maxima_call $expression]
(%i1) [aa:1,bb:2,cc:3]
(%o1) [1, 2, 3]
(%i2) (aa+bb+cc)/(dd+ee)
(%o2) -------
ee + dd