I'd like to take a list of
Ids <- c("00234nisduf", "928347ksjdfn", "92837sdfjkbnfgh")
[1] "00234nisduf" "928347ksjdfn" "92837sdfjkbnfgh"
And turn it into a SOQL query:
Id_Query <- "'00234nisduf', '928347ksjdfn', '92837sdfjkbnfgh'"
The output I'm looking for: '00234nisduf', '928347ksjdfn', '92837sdfjkbnfgh'
must have single quotes around each Id and a comma after the quotes for each Id.
I've tried paste(Ids, collapse = ",")
and trying to mix with gsub("\\"" "'", Ids)
but no luck so far.
Thank you in advance!
Define a function that takes a string and a new string, applies sQuote to its second argument, and uses paste to combine the second argument with the first. Call that function using
Reduce(your_function, Ids)
Or, in one line:
Reduce(function(x,y) paste(x, y, sep=","), sQuote(Ids))