Importing UTILS classes into Inventory - can it be done?
I have created a custom LDAP data importer as part of creating my inventory class. The LDAP schema we have wasn't similar enough to the LDAP plugin provided in samples.
My class is called ldapDataModule; the class is in:
My "$HOME/.ansible.cfg" file has the following:
module_utils = /home/agt/ansible/agt_module_utils
When running my Ansible inventory module, I get the following output:
ansible ecomtest37 -m ping ERROR! Attempted to execute "/sites/utils/local/ansible/hosts" as inventory script: Inventory script (/sites/utils/local/ansible/hosts) had an execution error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/sites/utils/local/ansible/hosts", line 22, in from ansible.module_utils import ldapDataModule ImportError: No module named module.utils
The include statement inside hosts appears like this:
import copy
import ldap
import re
import sys
import operator
import os
import argparse
import datetime
import os.path
import json
import simplejson as json
from ansible.module_utils import ldapDataModule
class agtInventory(object):
I was able to do the following as a "work around". I'd still like to hear from Ansible guru's on proper use of "module_utils" variable from ansible.cfg
sys.path.insert(0, '/home/agt/ansible/agt_module_utils')
from ldapDataModule import ldapDataModule