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How to exclude files in Wix toolset

While harvesting files for heat.exe, I would like to exclude the files with the extension .exe from the input folder since it fetches all the files in the folder at first place.

Below is my code.

    %WIX_PATH%\Heat.exe" dir "%input_folder%" -cg SourceProjectComponents 
    -dr INSTALLLOCATION -scom -sreg -srd -var var.BasePath -gg -sfrag 
    -var var.BasePath -out "%output_folder%\Output.wxs

PS: the input_folder consists of severall .dll and .exe files. hence individual harvesting of the file wasn't possible.

Thanks in advance.


  • You will need to use an XSLT transform.

    Something like this should work for you; Just include -t <Path to the xslt file> in your command line for heat.

    This XSLT outputs a new XML file that contains all XML nodes of the input, except if any nodes are <Component> elements with .exe <File> elements.


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        exclude-result-prefixes="xsl wix"
        <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" omit-xml-declaration="yes" />
        <xsl:strip-space elements="*" />
        Find all <Component> elements with <File> elements with Source="" attributes ending in ".exe" and tag it with the "ExeToRemove" key.
        <Component Id="cmpSYYKP6B1M7WSD5KLEQ7PZW4YLOPYG61L" Directory="INSTALLDIR" Guid="*">
            <File Id="filKUS7ZRMJ0AOKDU6ATYY6IRUSR2ECPDFO" KeyPath="yes" Source="!(wix.StagingAreaPath)\ProofOfPEqualsNP.exe" />
        Because WiX's Heat.exe only supports XSLT 1.0 and not XSLT 2.0 we cannot use `ends-with( haystack, needle )` (e.g. `ends-with( wix:File/@Source, '.exe' )`...
        ...but we can use this longer `substring` expression instead (see )
            match="wix:Component[ substring( wix:File/@Source, string-length( wix:File/@Source ) - 3 ) = '.exe' ]"
        /> <!-- Get the last 4 characters of a string using `substring( s, len(s) - 3 )`, it uses -3 and not -4 because XSLT uses 1-based indexes, not 0-based indexes. -->
        <!-- We can also remove .pdb files too, for example: -->
            match="wix:Component[ substring( wix:File/@Source, string-length( wix:File/@Source ) - 3 ) = '.pdb' ]"
        <!-- By default, copy all elements and nodes into the output... -->
        <xsl:template match="@*|node()">
                <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()" />
        <!-- ...but if the element has the "ExeToRemove" key then don't render anything (i.e. removing it from the output) -->
        <xsl:template match="*[ self::wix:Component or self::wix:ComponentRef ][ key( 'ExeToRemove', @Id ) ]" />
        <xsl:template match="*[ self::wix:Component or self::wix:ComponentRef ][ key( 'PdbToRemove', @Id ) ]" />