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scala-cass generic read from cassandra table as case class

I am attempting to use scala-cass in order to read from cassandra and convert the resultset to a case class using[CaseClass]. This works great when running the following.

case class TestTable(id: String, data1: Int, data2: Long)
val resultSet = session.execute(s"select * from test.testTable limit 10")[TestTable]

Now I am attempting to make this more generic and I am unable to find the proper type constraint for the generic class.

case class TestTable(id: String, data1: Int, data2: Long)

abstract class GenericReader[T] {
  val table: String
  val keyspace: String

  def getRows(session: Session): T = {
    val resultSet = session.execute(s"select * from $keyspace.$table limit 10")[T]

I implement this class with the desired case class and attempt to call getRows on the created Object.

object TestTable extends GenericReader[TestTable] {
  val keyspace = "test"
  val table = "TestTable"


This throws an exception could not find implicit value for parameter ccd:[T].

I am trying to add a type constraint to GenericReader in order to ensure the implicit conversion will work. However, I am unable to find the proper type. I am attempting to read through scala-cass in order to find the proper constraint but I have had no luck so far.

I would also be happy to use any other library that can achieve this.


  • Looks like as[T] requires an implicit value that you don't have in scope, so you'll need to require that implicit parameter in the getRows method as well.

    def getRows(session: Session)(implicit cfd: CCCassFormatDecoder[T]): T

    You could express this as a type constraint (what you were looking for in the original question) using context bounds:

    abstract class GenericReader[T:CCCassFormatDecoder]