I have a sidekiq worker which will request 3rd party api(Mailchimp) and got some response. Sometimes it will response an error message which the api gem will raise an error.
However, those Errors are normal and no need to retry. So I would like Sidekiq prevent retry when those Errors raised.
I have tried a simply rescue
, but it won't prevent the sidekiq capture the error raised.
def preform(id)
Any way to do this? Thanks
Finally found that my problem was caused by the broken of our deploy tool(deployment failed but not realised). Actually, the Sidekiq will ignore any rescued error/exception and they are not be retried and reported to Bugsnag.
In Bugsnag's documentation, it clearly said:
Bugsnag should be installed and configured, and any unhandled exceptions will be automatically detected and should appear in your Bugsnag dashboard.
This post on github didn't have an clear explanation so that's why I am confused by this question.
Your assumption/example is incorrect. Do the normal Ruby thing: rescue the error and ignore it.
def perform(id)
rescue NormalError
# job will succeed normally and Sidekiq won't retry it.