I have multiple excels sheets in workbook with names like sheet1, sheet2 , sheet3 and I am converting the data in each sheet into a dictionary using headers as key. But now I want to create a nested dictionary where i add sheet name as key to each of the above dictionaries. My table has multiple sheets of this form: Sheet1
IP Address prof type
xx.xx.xx abc xyz
xx.xx.xx efg ijk
IP Address prof type
xx.xx.xx abc xyz
xx.xx.xx efg ijk
Now I attempted like this:
from xlrd import open_workbook
book = open_workbook('workbook.xls')
sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0)
sheet_names = book.sheet_names()
# reading header values
keys = [sheet.cell(0, col_index).value for col_index in range(sheet.ncols)]
dict_list = []
for row_index in range(1, sheet.nrows):
d = {keys[col_index]: sheet.cell(row_index, col_index).value
for col_index in range(sheet.ncols)}
print (dict_list)
Which prints this :
[{'IP Address': 'xx.xx.xx', 'prof': 'abc', 'type': 'xyz'}, {'IP Address':
'xx.xx.xx', 'prof': 'efg', 'type': 'ijk'}]
what I need is :
[{'Sheet1':{'IP Address': 'xx.xx.xx', 'prof': 'abc', 'type': 'xyz'}, {'IP
Address': 'xx.xx.xx', 'prof': 'efg', 'type': 'ijk'}},
{'Sheet2':{'IP Address': 'xx.xx.xx', 'prof': 'abc', 'type': 'xyz'}, {'IP
Address': 'xx.xx.xx', 'prof': 'efg', 'type': 'ijk'}},
I have problems adding the sheet name as key for multiple sheets in workbook.
Any help will be appreciated.
from xlrd import open_workbook
book = open_workbook('Workbook1.xlsx')
pointSheets = book.sheet_names()
full_dict = {}
for i in pointSheets:
# reading header values
sheet = book.sheet_by_name(i)
keys = [sheet.cell(0, col_index).value for col_index in range(sheet.ncols)]
dict_list = []
for row_index in range(1, sheet.nrows):
d = {keys[col_index]: sheet.cell(row_index, col_index).value
for col_index in range(sheet.ncols)}
full_dict[i] = dict_list
dict_list = {}
print (full_dict)
This code iterates over each sheet and appends to ´full_dict´ the sheet_name followed by what your code already returned for each sheet. The aquisition of names was done referencing "How to get excel sheet name in Python using xlrd"