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How to open a link in UIWebView

I am having a chat application, which occasionally receives a link. On clicking that link, I can view the webpage in Safari, I would like to open that link in a UIWebview in my app instead.

I was going through this article, And its all good but it is giving in a hard coded link. I want to be able to open the link that user just clicked upon. whats the best way to achieve this?


  • Basically, you need to first ask your textView to recognize urls

    textView.text = "example"
    textView.isSelectable = true
    textView.dataDetectorTypes =

    But then in delegate method shouldInteractWithURL, return false so that your URL is clickable but you will not jump to Safari.

    extension ViewController: UITextViewDelegate {
        func textView(_ textView: UITextView, shouldInteractWith url: URL, in characterRange: NSRange, interaction: UITextItemInteraction) -> Bool {
            //load url to YOUR web view here!
            return false

    Don't forget to set delegate!

    textView.delegate = self