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In aws-cli, how to delete items from DynamoDB based on a condition?

I'm using AWS CLI and having issues deleting rows based on a condition

I have a file_name key and I'd like to remove all keys containing "20200322".


aws dynamodb delete-item \
    --table-name "logs" \
    --condition-expression "contains(file_name, :file_name)" \
    --expression-attribute-names file://expression.json \
    --key file://key.json

expression.json - the variables to use in the contains

    ":file_name": {
        "S": "20200322"

key.json - I don't understand the point of this file

    "file_name": {
        "S": "20200322"


Parameter validation failed: Invalid type for parameter ExpressionAttributeNames.:file_name, value: OrderedDict([(u'S', u'20200322')]), type: , valid types:


  • How do I delete a single entry based on a contains condition?
  • Why is the key mandatory if I'm using the --expression-attribute-names switch? What does the key need to be?
  • What is the difference between --expression-attribute-values and --expression-attribute-names



  • contains function takes 2 parameter: a path and the operand

    contains (path, operand)

    Here you're missing the operand.

    aws dynamodb delete-item \
        --table-name "logs" \
        --key '{"file_name": {"S": "20200322"}}'
        --condition-expression "contains(file_name, :file_name)" \
        --expression-attribute-values file://wvid_logs.json

    Note there is double quotes within a pair of single quote.

    and in the JSON should be something like

        ":file_name": {
            "S": "20200322"

    The thing is that you want to run a conditional delete, so the key needs to be the key of your item you want to delete, and the expression attribute values will be the condition to check, I am not fully sure you can run a condition on the key itself.

    Lets suppose you have

        "Id": {
            "N": "12345"
        "file_name": {
            "S": "20200322"

    running the command

    aws dynamodb delete-item \
        --table-name "logs" \
        --key '{"Id": {"N": "12345"}}'
        --condition-expression "contains(file_name, :file_name)" \
        --expression-attribute-values file://wvid_logs.json

    The command will delete the item only when the condition from the file matches the item. so if in file you have

        ":file_name": {
            "S": "20200322"

    It will delete the item, any other value in your JSON file will not delete the item.