So i have this very simple code, which should load a scene. It must be part of something else, but currently it works wrong. I have the scene saved with a lot of changed settings. When I load it from UI, everything is there as it should. But when I load with this code, or by source, then settings are not the same. It's like they are reset to default or not loaded.
I've read the docs about file, and tried few other things, but nothing works. Maya is 2016 ext 1 sp5. I tried with maya 2017 and no such issue there, but other bugs related to animation prevent me from using 2017.
Is there some sort of extra parameter to read settings or something else that I'm missing?
import maya.cmds as cmds
file_path ='
cmds.file( new = True, force = True )
cmds.file(file_path, o=True,type='mayaAscii', options='v=0;p=17;f=0', ignoreVersion=True)
I got it fixed, by installing SP6