I have upgraded apache solr from 4.10.4 to 6.6.0 on Cent os 7 server, with the help of Upgrade Apache Solr from 4.10.4 to 6.6.0 on Cent os 7
I have taken backup of old solr core namely sample_core
in /home/user/old_solr/sample_core
How can I migrate my old solr(4.10.4) data in new solr version (6.6.0)
Make sure solr is running
sudo service solr status
Create new solr core by name sample_core
use solr user
sudo su solr
Create sample_core /opt/solr-6.6.0/bin/solr create -c sample_core
If you are not able to create a new core due to existing broken core, remove broken cores
/opt/solr-6.6.0/bin/solr delete -c <core_name> /opt/solr-6.6.0/bin/solr delete -c sample_core
delete data folders from /var/solr/data/< core_name > folder (If exists)
exit solr user and use superuser by command
use root user by command
sudo su
rm -r -f /var/solr/data/sample_core
copy existing solr schema.xml and solrconfig.xml to newly created core
use superuser sudo su
sudo cp -r /home/user/old_solr/sample_core/conf/schema.xml /var/solr/data/sample_core/conf
sudo cp -r /home/user/old_solr/sample_core/conf/solrconfig.xml /var/solr/data/sample_core/conf
make solr
as owner to moved files
sudo chown -R solr:solr /var/solr/data/sample_core/conf/schema.xml
sudo chown -R solr:solr /var/solr/data/sample_core/conf/solrconfig.xml
restart solr server
sudo service solr restart
Reindex solr data
Now you are ready to reindex solr data, reindexing solr data after upgrading solr version will give best performance without any unknown issues.
I have not tried this practically while migration
copy sample_core data from backup to solr 6.6 data
sudo cp -r /home/user/old_solr/sample_core/data /var/solr/data/sample_core
change owner to solr
sudo chown -R solr:solr /var/solr/data/sample_core/data