I am currently working with an API where instead of floats or integers for currency I receive strings like these.
The issue with that is that I need to store the value and currency separately but the currency needs to be stored as ISO Code, so for example EUR, USD or GBP instead of € and $.
Is there any way in PHP to get the currency code based on a currency symbol using the NumberFormatter or something like that?
Currently I just have a very long list of currency symbols and names which I use to do things like string_contains('$2.49', '$')
to check for a certain currency.
You could work with NumberFormatter::parseCurrency:
$fmt = new NumberFormatter('en_US', NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
echo "#1: ".$fmt->parseCurrency("$2.49", $curr)." in $curr<br>";
echo "#2: ".$fmt->parseCurrency("£2.49", $curr)." in $curr<br>";
echo "#3: ".$fmt->parseCurrency("€2.49", $curr)." in $curr<br>";
#1: 2.49 in USD
#2: 2.49 in GBP
#3: 2.49 in EUR
Note that Richard's comment about multiple currencies using the same symbol still applies but might be handled by specifying different locales for the NumberFormatter
$fmt = new NumberFormatter('en_AU', NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
echo "#1: ".$fmt->parseCurrency("$2.49", $curr)." in $curr<br>";
Would e.g. change the first output to:
#1: 2.49 in AUD