I do not understand why the following code does not compile; it produces a put_attr/3: Uninstantiated argument expected, found 2 (1-st argument)
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
test(X, Y) :-
( X = 1
-> Y #= 2
; Y = 3
The following code also does not compile:
test(X, Y) :-
( X = 1
-> Y = 2
; Y #= 3
I don't understand why that is. Replacing the #=
with simple unification =
makes it compile, but I don't see why this wouldn't compile considering that this predicate :
test(X, Y) :-
( X = 1
-> Y #= 2*_
; Y = 3
does compile!
This was a bug of the goal expansion of library(clpfd)
This has been fixed by Markus Triska as of this commit.