I have several conditions that need to be met in order to allow a user to edit the details of the selected item.
the conditions are:
if the item is active they are allowed to edit it regardless of security level. No problem there.
if the item is inactive: users above security level 50 can edit it users below security level 50 can only view it
currently I am using a multidatatrigger to do this:
<Condition Binding="{Binding Active,Converter={StaticResource DebugConverter}}"
Value="False" />
<Condition Binding="{Binding SelectedOffice}" />
<Setter Property="ContentTemplate"
Value="{DynamicResource InActiveOfficeDataTemplate}" />
<Condition Binding="{Binding Active,Converter={StaticResource DebugConverter}}"
Value="True" />
<Condition Binding="{Binding SelectedOffice}" />
<Setter Property="ContentTemplate"
Value="{DynamicResource ActiveOfficeDataTemplate}" />
I also need to know when the Selected Office changes. I was hoping to monitor the PhysicianId but I wont know what the number is, only that its changed. I have a selectedoffice property that the listbox is bound to, but I imagine I have to do something with the datatrigger to make it fire.
<DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Active}"
<Setter Property="ContentTemplateSelector"
Value="{DynamicResource DoctorOfficesDataTemplateSelector}" />
<DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Active,Converter={StaticResource DebugConverter}}"
<Setter Property="ContentTemplate"
Value="{DynamicResource ActiveOfficeDataTemplate}" />
This seems to be working. I have the security level actually being checked in the templateselector.
The issue remains though that the selecteddoctor is only being updated when I change between an inactive and active office. If i choose and active then an active the trigger isnt firing again...I have the list bound to an Icollection do I need to make it observable? this was working correctly before i implemented the datatrigger.
for the time being I just databound the isenabled to the isactive field on the office. its not pretty but it works for now