Is there a way to set, clear, test and flip a single bit as an atomic operation in c++? For example bitwise variants to "compare_and_swap".
Manipulating bits atomically requires a compare_exchange
RMW to avoid touching other bits in the atomic
Testing a bit is not a modifying operation, therefore a load()
You will have to add range error checking
template<typename T, typename OP>
T manipulate_bit(std::atomic<T> &a, unsigned n, OP bit_op)
static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, "atomic type not integral");
T val = a.load();
while (!a.compare_exchange_weak(val, bit_op(val, n)));
return val;
auto set_bit = [](auto val, unsigned n) { return val | (1 << n); };
auto clr_bit = [](auto val, unsigned n) { return val & ~(1 << n); };
auto tgl_bit = [](auto val, unsigned n) { return val ^ (1 << n); };
int main()
std::atomic<int> a{0x2216};
manipulate_bit(a, 3, set_bit); // set bit 3
manipulate_bit(a, 7, tgl_bit); // toggle bit 7
manipulate_bit(a, 13, clr_bit); // clear bit 13
bool isset = (a.load() >> 5) & 1; // testing bit 5