Let the structure given by:
// Struct to nAry tree
struct nNode {
int val; // Some value (in future use a pointer to some data)
struct nNode *next; // Siblings of the same parent if next == NULL is the last
struct nNode *prev; // Siblings of same parent if prev == NULL is the first
struct nNode *parent; // Points to parent, if NULL is the root
struct nNode *children; // Child node, other childs are found by moving next/prev
// if NULL is a leaf node
The code below should give the Traverse in Level
void nNode_traverse_levelOrder(struct nNode *node)
struct nNode *child;
struct nNode *sibling;
struct nNode *head;
struct QueueLL *queue;
queue = newQueueLL();
// Queue the root node
enqueueLL(queue, node);
while (! isQueueEmptyLL(queue)) {
head = dequeueLL(queue);
if(head) {
sibling = head->next;
// Queue all brothers
while(sibling) {
enqueueLL(queue, sibling);
sibling = sibling->next;
// Queue the children (there is only one)
child = head->children;
if (child)
enqueueLL(queue, child);
queue = NULL;
Given the tree:
/* 1
* /---------|--------\
* 2 3 4
* / \ /
* 5 6 7
It returns
Node val: 1
Node val: 2
Node val: 3
Node val: 4
Node val: 5
Node val: 4
Node val: 7
Node val: 6
Node val: 7
But the expected is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. I have double checked with Pre, Pos and In order traverse functions and all of them returns correctly, as below:
PRE 1 2 _5 _6 _3 4 _7
POS _5 _6 2 _3 _7 4 1
IN _5 2 _6 1 _3 _7 4
Looking to figure out what can be misleading me in my function
When you visit a node, you’re enqueuing all siblings following it. The next sibling will enqueue the rest of the siblings again. If you have an operation that can add an element to the beginning of the queue, you can use that after enqueuing the child:
if (sibling) {
pushLL(queue, sibling);
Or just enqueue children instead of siblings, which is the usual way and makes for a much shorter function:
void nNode_traverse_levelOrder(struct nNode* node) {
struct QueueLL* queue = newQueueLL();
enqueueLL(queue, node);
while (!isQueueEmptyLL(queue)) {
struct nNode* head = dequeueLL(queue);
for (struct nNode* child = head->children; child != NULL; child = child->next) {
enqueueLL(queue, child);