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how to install sublime text indent xml in sublime 3

I am trying to install in sublime text 3. I read

In Sublime Text 3 - clone project from Github into Packages folder.

Doesn't seem to work.

I am not sure where the Packages folder is.


  • None of the above answers worked for me as they appeared to be missing a crucial 'step' to the process (step 2 below). This is how I got it to install for me in Windows using Sublime Text 3:

    1. Install Package Control (Tools > Install Package Control...)
    2. Open Package Control (Ctrl+Shift+P) and type 'Package Control: Install Package' and then press Enter.
    3. Sublime will attempt to load any custom repositories then offer a list of packages available.
    4. At this point, I was able to successfully search for 'indent xml' and have it appear in the list and install by pressing Enter with it selected.