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Memoizing traversed fs paths with Node.js

I have a tool that is doing concurrent searches through a filesystem for certain files. As the tool searches through the fs, it may find that it needs to search in directories not originally included in the search.

What I should do is memoize each directory that has already started to be searched.

I can't think of a better way to memoize file paths except to store them in a hash like this:

interface IMemoizationMap {
  [key: string]: boolean

so that might look like:

const hash = {
  '/Users/you/projects/x': true,
  '/Users/you/projects/x/lib': true,
  '/Users/you/projects/x/lib': true,
  '/Users/you/some-stuff/z': true

Then I do a quick lookup to see if I need to search a certain directory. What feels awkward about this solution is that the values in the hash could pretty much be anything - true, false, undefined.

Is this the best way to memoize traversed filepaths?

As an aside, is the performance of

key in hash

the same as



If that is the case, then there would be some worth to data stored as the value:

When a directory starts being searched I could make the value false, and then when the directory finishes searching I could flip the value to true. Then the value at least means something.


  • Go with Map:

    The Map object holds key-value pairs. Any value (both objects and primitive values) may be used as either a key or a value.

    Or Set:

    The Set object lets you store unique values of any type, whether primitive values or object references.

    I would choose Set, but i'm unaware of performance comparisons between both when testing if the value exists already on the collection.