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Change gdoc spreadsheet URL string back into the original spreadsheet URL string in a CodeIgniter project

I am not sure if this problem is a boo-boo on my part or something about CI. I have a preg_replace process to convert a published gdoc spreadsheet url back into the original spreadsheet url.

$pat = '/(^[a-z\/\.\:]*?sheet\/)(pub)([a-zA-Z0-9\=\?]*)(\&output\=html)/';
$rep = '$1ccc$3#gid=0';

$theoriginal = preg_replace( $pat, $rep, $published );

This works fine in a test page run locally. This test page isn't framed by CI - it's just a basic php page.

When I copy and paste the pattern and replacement into the CI view which it's intended for, no joy.

Is this malfunction caused by CI or my 'bad' ? Are there easy-to-implement remedies ?

Here's a bit more code from the CI view:

    <body id="sites" >


foreach ( $dets as $item )
    $nona = $item->nona;
    $address = $item->address;
    $town = $item->town;
    $pc = $item->pc;
    $foto1 = $item->foto1;
    $foto1txt = $item->foto1txt;
    $foto2 = $item->foto2;
    $foto2txt = $item->foto2txt;
    $costurl = $item->costurl;
    $sid = $item->sid;

//convert published spreadsheet url to gdoc spreadsheet url
$pat ='/(^[a-z\/\.\:]*?sheet\/)(pub)([a-zA-Z0-9\=\?]*)(\&output\=html)/i';
$rep ='$1ccc$3#gid=0';

$spreadsheet = preg_replace( $pat, $rep, $costurl);


  • The pattern you came to can be "tidied" up a bit:


    See the regex demo.

    The leading ^ and trailing $ are not usually put inside the groups. The / can be left unescaped if you use a regex delimiter other than /. A & and = are not special regex metacharacters, = is only "special" in positive lookaround constructs. So, your pattern means:

    • ^ - start of a string anchor
    • (.*?sheet/) - Group 1: any 0+ chars other than line break chars, as few as possible (and since I belive the point is to only match pub in the URL path, not the query string, you need to actually replace .*? with [^?#]*? negated character class matching 0+ chars other than # and ?), up to the first occurrence of sheet/ and the subsequent subpatterns...
    • pub - a substring
    • (.*) - Group 2: any 0+ chars other than line break chars, as many as possible, up to the last occurrence of the subsequent subpatterns...
    • (&[a-z=]*) - Group 3: a & followed with 0 or more ASCII letters (since i modifier is used, the [a-z] pattern will also match uppercase letters) and/or =
    • $ - end of string anchor.

    It seems to me that you may also use a better pattern like


    See this regex demo. Explanation of the change is provided in the explanation above.