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Program-o doesn't recognise my name

I use these aiml in program-o:

 <category><pattern>CALL ME *</pattern>
<template><think><set name="personality">average</set></think> <random>  <li>Hey</li>
  <li>Hi there</li>
  <li>What's up,</li>
  <li>How are you,</li>
  <li>Glad to see you,</li>
  <li>Nice to meet you,</li>
  <li>Glad to know you,</li>
  <li>How can I help you,</li>
  <li>How are you doing,</li>
  <li>OK I will call you</li>
  <li>Pleased to meet you,</li>
  <li>It's good to see you,</li>
  <li>It's good to meet you,</li>
  <li>That's a very nice name,</li>
  <li>I am very pleased to meet you</li>
  <li>I am always glad to make new friends,</li>
  <li>I'm pleased to introduce myself to you,</li>
  <li>It is a pleasure to introduce myself to you, </li>
</random> <set name="name"><formal><star/></formal></set>.</template>

<category><pattern>WHAT IS MY NAME</pattern>
<template><srai>my name</srai></template>

<category><pattern>MY NAME</pattern>
<condition name="name">  
<li value="OM">I'd like to know your name.</li>  
<li value="JUDGE">I know you as Judge.</li>  
<li value="*">You said your name is <get name="name"/>?</li>  
<li>I don't know.  What is your name?</li></condition>

If I write Call me John then the chat bot answer with this: Pleased to meet you, John . If I ask the chatbot What is my name? then the chatbot answer: You said your name is Seeker?

What is the problem?


  • Ok, I know now what is the problem. With aiml and program-o there is no problem. I used first and after I tried and program-o doesn't work properly. So I tried with localhost, with xampp and there worked perfectly. I didn't thought that free hostings doesn't support the program-o on 100%.