I'm new to Protractor and I'm trying to retrieve only the numeric values contained in the following element
<div class="balances">
<h3>Total Balance: EUR 718,846.67</h3>
checkFigures (figures) {
var checkBalance = element.all(by.css('balances'));
checkBalance.getText().then(function (text) {
I came across this when someone posted a similar question but I have no idea how to implement it or what it is even doing
function toNumber(promiseOrValue) {
// if it is not a promise, then convert a value
if (!protractor.promise.isPromise(promiseOrValue)) {
return parseInt(promiseOrValue, 10);
// if promise - convert result to number
return promiseOrValue.then(function (stringNumber) {
return parseInt(stringNumber, 10);
This is just a javascript question, and easily acomplished with replace
and a regular expression. This will remove all non numerics from the string. Alter the regular expression as needed.
checkFigures (figures) {
var checkBalance = element.all(by.css('balances'));
checkBalance.getText().then(function (text) {