I'm building a little app with NodeJS and Pug as engine. I just want to insert a variable inside an element style, but can't find the way to make it work. Here is the code:
- var grados = 45;
I think the problem is the parenthesis from the transform attribute, I tried it with another simpler approach like color:grados
(- var grados = 'red'
) and it worked fine. Any ideas?
I'm afraid you've stumbled upon a common issue in Pug: Support for attribute interpolation has been dropped, so that syntax is no longer supported. See the page in the Pug docs relating to this. There is no 'clean' solution to fix this, other than simply building the attribute string with string concatenation:
- var grados = 45;
span.glyphicon.glyphicon-arrow-up(style={transform:'rotate(' + grados + 'deg)'})