I'm working on a relatively simple layout in Kivy, and want to display a series of buttons which get populated top to bottom of the screen, then when they reach the bottom, a new column is started from the top.
GridLayout appears to do what I want, but it always seems to go from left to right first, rather than top to bottom. I've check the official documentation and Google and can't seem to find a solution.
StackLayout does what I want with the "orientation: "tb-lr" command, however the button widths don't get fully scaled to fit the container when there's only one column which GridLayout does do and is required for this application.
Thanks for any help.
If I am not in a mistake, this feature is not implemented. However, you are free to implement your own layout using the Layout
class (kivy.uix.layout
Another possibility is subclassify GridLayout
and overwrite a couple of methods to add the witgets from top to bottom:
The GridLayout class has major changes between Kivy 1.9 and Kivy 1.10. For this reason, the code works correctly on Kivy 1.10.0 but not in previous versions (See comments).
You must always specify the number of rows of the Layout.
from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from kivy.uix.button import Button
def nmax(*args):
# merge into one list
args = [x for x in args if x is not None]
return max(args)
def nmin(*args):
# merge into one list
args = [x for x in args if x is not None]
return min(args)
class TBGridLayout(GridLayout):
def _fill_rows_cols_sizes(self):
cols, rows = self._cols, self._rows
cols_sh, rows_sh = self._cols_sh, self._rows_sh
cols_sh_min, rows_sh_min = self._cols_sh_min, self._rows_sh_min
cols_sh_max, rows_sh_max = self._cols_sh_max, self._rows_sh_max
# calculate minimum size for each columns and rows
n_rows = len(rows)
has_bound_y = has_bound_x = False
for i, child in enumerate(reversed(self.children)):
(shw, shh), (w, h) = child.size_hint, child.size
shw_min, shh_min = child.size_hint_min
shw_max, shh_max = child.size_hint_max
col, row = divmod(i, n_rows)
# compute minimum size / maximum stretch needed
if shw is None:
cols[col] = nmax(cols[col], w)
cols_sh[col] = nmax(cols_sh[col], shw)
if shw_min is not None:
has_bound_x = True
cols_sh_min[col] = nmax(cols_sh_min[col], shw_min)
if shw_max is not None:
has_bound_x = True
cols_sh_max[col] = nmin(cols_sh_max[col], shw_max)
if shh is None:
rows[row] = nmax(rows[row], h)
rows_sh[row] = nmax(rows_sh[row], shh)
if shh_min is not None:
has_bound_y = True
rows_sh_min[col] = nmax(rows_sh_min[col], shh_min)
if shh_max is not None:
has_bound_y = True
rows_sh_max[col] = nmin(rows_sh_max[col], shh_max)
self._has_hint_bound_x = has_bound_x
self._has_hint_bound_y = has_bound_y
def _iterate_layout(self, count):
selfx = self.x
padding_left = self.padding[0]
padding_top = self.padding[1]
spacing_x, spacing_y = self.spacing
i = count - 1
x = selfx + padding_left
for col_width in self._cols:
y = self.top - padding_top
for row_height in self._rows:
if i < 0:
yield i, x, y - row_height, col_width, row_height
i -= 1
y -= spacing_y + row_height
x += col_width + spacing_x
class MainWindow(BoxLayout):
def __init__(self):
super(MainWindow, self).__init__()
self.orientation = 'vertical'
self.layout = TBGridLayout(rows=5)
self.cont = 0
self.add_widget(Button(text='Add Button',
size_hint = (1, 0.15),
on_press= self.add_button))
def add_button(self, instance):
self.cont += 1
self.layout.add_widget(Button(text = 'Button' + str(self.cont)))
class ExampleApp(App):
def build(self):
return MainWindow()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Running example:
PD: The code is just a quick example, it is tested but could contain a bug.