I am new to UIMA RUTA and after reading the UIMA RUTA Guide, I have the following question. I want to write a set of rules that will search for two annotations (FIRST, SECOND) inside my document with specific values (FIRST: "hello" and SECOND: "world","pres") and if they find them it will create a new annotation (THIRD) with value:"end". However, the script is not working and I am wondering why.
WORDTABLE Firsts= 'FIRST.csv';
WORDTABLE Seconds= 'SECOND.csv';
WORDTABLE Thirds= 'THIRD.csv';
DECLARE Annotation FIRST(STRING value);
DECLARE Annotation SECOND(STRING value, STRING pos);
DECLARE Annotation THIRD(STRING value);
Document{->MARKTABLE(FIRST, 1, Firsts, "value"=2)};
Document{->MARKTABLE(SECOND, 1, Seconds, "value"=2, "pos"=3)};
Could you please help me out? Thanx.
The last rule is not valid.
You could write something like:
(f:FIRST{f.value=="hello"} # s:SECOND{s.value=="world",s.pos=="pres"}){-> CREATE(THIRD, "value" = "end")};
Document{-> CREATE(THIRD, "value" = "end")}<-{f:FIRST{f.value=="hello"} # s:SECOND{s.value=="world",s.pos=="pres"};};
or something with a conjunct rule.
DISCLAIMER: I am a developer of UIMA Ruta