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Variable Cell Reference in VLOOKUP lookup_value

My question is very simple, but I cannot come to the answer for a long time.

In my first sheet I have such data:


My second sheet has VLOOKUP function, the table looks like this:


What I want to do is to VLOOKUP read the value of field B1 on sheet2 and to put that value as plain number in lookup_value part of the function.

So when I type in B3 (sheet2) number 3, function should automaticly change value as next:


When I type number 6, it should change to:


and bring the value from that row.

Literally B2 on sheet2 should play role of row# of cell in sheet1.


  • I found an aswer, I needed to call INDIRECT function.

    So function should be:


    Maybe it will help somebody.

    BR Milos :)