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How can I use Cognitive Services in Azure Government?

This blog post "Azure brings big data, analytics, and visualization capabilities to U.S. Government" indicates that:

We are also announcing a preview of Cognitive Services in Azure Government. We have enabled scenarios such as audio and text translation into other languages as well as facial (gender and age) and emotion recognition with Computer Vision and Emotion.

However, I don't see it in the UI, what am I missing? How can I use Cognitive Services in Azure Government.

enter image description here


  • I eventually came across these other blog post: Expanding Cognitive Services Pilot for Azure Government which outlines the following:

    No Azure Portal UI for Cognitive Services – Management is through the Cognitive Services PowerShell cmdlets

    Using PowerShell you can then create and start using Cognitive Services as follows:

    Login-AzureRmAccount -Environment AzureUSGovernment
    New-AzureRMResourceGroup -Name {resourcegroup} -Location 'usgovvirginia'
    New-AzureRmCognitiveServicesAccount -ResourceGroupName '{resourcegroup}' -name '{name}' -Type {ComputerVision | Emotion | Face | SpeechTranslation | TextTranslation} -SkuName F0 -Location 'usgovvirginia'
    $key = New-AzureRmCognitiveServicesAccountKey -ResourceGroupName '{resourcegroup}' -name '{resourcename}' -KeyName {Key1 | Key2}