I have a data frame which contains 34 rows and 10 columns. I called the data frame "comp" now I did "invcomp = 1/comp", So the values changed but column name will be same. I want to replace or rename my column names, suppose the earlier name of my first column was "Cbm_m" in "comp", now I want to convert it to "Cbm_m_inv" in "invcomp". Extending or adding an extra term in last.
Use 'add_suffix':
invcomp = invcomp.add_suffix('_inv')
invcomp = pd.DataFrame(pd.np.random.rand(5,5), columns=list('ABCDE'))
invcomp = invcomp.add_suffix('_inv')
A_inv B_inv C_inv D_inv E_inv
0 0.111604 0.016181 0.384071 0.608118 0.944439
1 0.523085 0.139200 0.495815 0.007926 0.183498
2 0.090169 0.357117 0.381938 0.222261 0.788706
3 0.802219 0.002049 0.173157 0.716345 0.182829
4 0.260781 0.376730 0.646595 0.324361 0.345097