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Change the color of Status bar items (symbols) to black

Can I give black color for the status bar items? Because I need to change the background color to white as shown below.Then I can't see the status bar items hence those are also white color.Any help?

Note: I'm testing this on Android device (6.0).


Now (i.e. White items):

enter image description here

I need like this(i.e. Black items):

enter image description here


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  • I'm sorry, but styleDefault is only available on ios and windows phone (docs)

    Use the default statusbar (dark text, for light backgrounds).
    Supported Platforms
    _ iOS
    _ Windows Phone 7
    _ Windows Phone 8
    _ Windows Phone 8.1

    That being said, I think you can only change the background color, but I guess the font color will be set based on that... I've changed the status bar background color several times, using a dark color, and the font color was set to white automatically.