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Admin inline with no ForeignKey relation

Is it possible to manually specify the set of related object to show in an inline, where no foreign key relation exists?

# Parent
class Diary(models.Model):
    day = models.DateField()
    activities = models.TextField()

# Child
class Sleep(models.Model):
    start_time = models.DateTimeField()
    end_time = models.DateTimeField()

class SleepInline(admin.TabularInline):
    def get_queryset(self, request):
        # Return all Sleep objects where start_time and end_time are within
        return Sleep.objects.filter(XXX) 

class DiaryAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    inlines = (SleepInline, )

I want my Diary model admin to display an inline for Sleep models that have start_time equal to the same day as The problem is that the Sleep model does not have a ForeignKey to Diary (instead, the relation is implicit by the use of dates).

Using the above, Django immediately complains that

<class 'records.admin.SleepInline'>: (admin.E202) 'records.Sleep' has no ForeignKey to 'records.Diary'.

How can I show the relevant Sleep instances as inlines on the Diary admin page?


  • Let me start by showing you the drawbacks of your logic:

    • When adding a foreign key, there are 2 operations, that are uncommon that require adjusting the relation: creating a new sleep object and updating the times on the sleep object.
    • When not using a foreign key, each time a diary is requested the lookup for the corresponding Sleep object(s) needs to be done. I'm assuming reading diaries is much more common then alterations of sleep objects, as it will be in most projects out there.

    The additional drawback as you've noticed, is that you cannot use relational features. InlineAdmin is a relational feature, so as much as you say "making the admin work", it is really that you demand a hammer to unscrew a bolt.

    But...the admin makes use of ModelForm. So if you construct the form with a formset (which cannot be a an inline formset for the same reason) and handle saving that formset yourself, it should be possible. The whole point of InlineFormset and InlineAdmin is to make generation of formsets from related models easier and for that it needs to know the relation.

    And finally, you can add urls and build a custom page, and when extending the admin/base.html template, you will have access to the layout and javascript components.